Prospect Park

Address: Prospect Park West, Flatbush, Parkside, Ocean Avenues
Acres: 526.25

Features: Barbecuing Areas, Baseball Fields, Bathrooms, Bicycling and Greenways, Dog Runs, Eateries, Fishing, Fitness Equipment, Hiking Trails, Historic Houses, Horseback Riding Trails, Ice Skating Rinks, Nature Centers, Paddleboat Rentals, Playgrounds, Spray Showers, Tennis Courts, Water Fountains, Prospect Park Zoo and Aquariums

Top Black & White images of Grand Army Plaza. Color images Prospect Park Boat House & Bridge.

-Have you been here already? Share your thoughts and experience with other NYC tourists.


  1. love love prospect park!! Great for kids too.

  2. I love the pictures shown above. Especially the ones featuring the beautiful, placid lakes. I would love to visit Prospect Park one day!

  3. this is by far one of my favorite parks in NYC- i love it and miss it now that I moved to GA.
